Aviation Workshop / Tech Lab Hamburg
Aviation Technology and Aerodynamics for Schools
Hamburg - the place for aviation
The TechLab/NW-Zentrum of the Li offers a lab day in wich school classes of 10 to 17 year-old students get a hands-on insight into the techniques and technology of flying including aerodynamics on an easy level. Various experiments and explanations are offered.
There is an active cooperation with the Airbus factory Hamburg and Lufthansa Technics so that even aspects of aircraft manufacturing and maintenance as well as vocational information can be offered. Please email us.
If you wish to use the lab course with your class please register under: NW-Zentrum, Muemmelmannsberg 75, 22115 Hamburg, Germany |
Poster Geneva 2005 (pdf 2,4 MB) * Poster Hamburg 2004 jpg * Flier.pdf
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Hits since December 18, 2005
counted per computer per day |
Establishment sponsored by the European Union, EU-Commission (Generaldirektion Regionalpolitik), RIS++ Hamburg
Expansion sponsored by the European Union, TUTEC